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Ayotte Discusses Detainee Provisions in National Defense Authorization Act
Senator Ayotte Discusses FY2013 Defense Authorization Bill
Sen. Ayotte & Sen. McCain Colloquy on Defense Authorization Bill
Ayotte Discusses Guantanamo Detainee Amendments in Defense Bill
Ayotte Discusses Importance of Defense Bill on Senate Floor
Ayotte: Defense Bil Includes Critical Bipartisan Reforms to Address Sexual Assault in Military
Senator Ayotte Introduces "Detaining Terrorists to Secure America Act"
Mark Udall Speaks Against Unwise Detention Provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act
McKeon and Landry Discuss NDAA Detainee Provisions
Senator Kelly Ayotte: The Future of Defense, the Military, and America's Role in the World
Senate Approves Ayotte Amendment Allowing Air Force to Reduce Unnecessary Military Aircraft
Sen. Kirk on Fox News talking detainee language in Defense Authorization bill